Ginkgo Biloba tree, which is considered as a source of healing, is known as a shrine tree in our country.


Ginkgo biloba, also known as the shrub tree, is one of the oldest wood species living. Ginkgo biloba, home of China, is also called “maidenhair Ana.

Ginkgo biloba, which is widely used in medical cosmetic products, increased its popularity in Europe, Germany and other parts of the world after it was discovered in China. Gingko biloban is used in China for about 190 million years.

Gingko biloba, which was discovered by the ancient Chinese, has been widely used in alternative Chinese medicine for 5000 years. Gingko biloba, which makes significant contributions to brain health, is also known as brain tree. Some active ingredients in the leaves of the Gingko biloba tree improve memory and other mental functions.

The gingko biloba tree, which can live for 1000 years and has an average length of 20-40 meters, can extend up to 50 meters and more. The gingko biloba tree grown in many parts of Europe and the US is a stand-alone species and has no connection to any other tree species. 6 gingko biloba trees, which are only 1-2 km away from the place where the atomic bombs dropped to Hiroshima in 1945, are the only living things that survived the explosion.

In addition to the Gingko biloba tree, there are 40 different components in the gingko biloba leaves which contain vitamins, minerals and components. Thanks to its nutrients, it provides benefits in many areas from heart health to skin health. Scientific studies on gingko biloba, which provide benefits in many areas of health, are still ongoing. Gingko biloba capsule, gingko biloba tea and gingko biloba tablets are widely available in the market.


Ginkgo Biloba tea is obtained from the leaves of this special plant. Ginkgo Biloba tea has many benefits. These benefits include heart protection, increased sexual desire, and Alzheimer’s delay. Ginkgo Biloba tea, which is good for headache and migraine, also increases blood circulation, it is good for depression and it is good for parkinson’s disease.

How to Make Ginkgo Biloba Tea?

The construction of Ginkgo Biloba tea is very simple. If you want, you can take the Ginkgo Biloba plant taken from the market in hot water for tea bags or you can take the Ginkgo Biloba plant and you can do it naturally in the hot water. One thing to note is that while the preparation of Ginkgo Biloba tea, the brewing time should not exceed 5 minutes.


“Gingko biloba”, a highly potent antioxidant, provides benefits in many areas, especially in brain health. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, gingko biloba helps reduce free radicals and thus prevents many possible damages.

Free radicals are found naturally in our body and increase in proportion to the age. Many environmental factors, including ultraviolet rays, radiation, smoking and air pollution, as well as age factors, increase the number of these free radicals. Uncontrolled increase in free radicals leads to many health problems such as heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Benefits to Brain Health

Gingko biloba, which makes significant contributions to brain health, improves the health of children and protects the health of the brain. Gingko biloba, which strengthens memory and protects against Alzheimer’s disease, also fights against other neuronal problems. As a result of the researches, the experts state that the gingko biloba extract has memory-enhancing properties and improves concentration.

One of the first effects that comes to mind when it comes to the benefits of gingko biloba is alzheimer’s disease. Gingko biloba provides effective protection against Alzheimer’s disease does not treat alzheimeri but provides effective protection. According to experts, it is necessary to start consuming small amounts of gingko biloba tea from a young age.

Benefits to Eye Health

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, gingko biloba, which has many benefits in the field of health, prevents the progression of glaucoma, which is known as eye pressure, and makes a significant contribution to its treatment. It is also stated that it protects the eye health by increasing the blood flow to the eye.

Gingko biloba, which is used regularly, increases the color vision in diabetic retinopathy patients. It is recommended to use gingko leaf extract regularly for 6 months.

Another contribution of Gingko bilobane to eye health is the prevention of macular degeneration due to aging. Macular degeneration is the loss of vision due to damage to the macular region of the eye. As a result of research conducted, it is stated that gingko biloba has developed the ability to see especially far.

Other Benefits of Gingko Biloban

-Cough and sputum are useful in the treatment.
-Reduces brain edema.
-Good for forgetfulness.
-Increases blood flow to the brain.
-Strengthens the immune system.
-It is beneficial in the treatment of flu and colds.
-Ensures regular operation of the thyroid gland.
-It gives energy.
-Increases body durability.
-Stops vitiligo disease.
-Balances blood sugar.
-Good for the problem of impotence.
-The filaria genus helps to remove the hair.
-It opens the mind and increases the learning ability.
-Accelerates metabolism.
-It has blood-forming properties.
-Reduces the effects of chemotherapy.
-It can benefit in the treatment of tinnitus.
-It is a natural antioxidant and prevents the destruction of free radicals on cells.
-Reduces dementia symptoms.
-Accelerates recovery after stroke.
-Reduces hearing loss.


All problems that arise in the consumption of Gingko biloba are usually caused by excessive use.

-Gingko biloba should be avoided during pregnancy.
-The use of gingko biloba should be discontinued 2 weeks before the operation.
-Excessive use of gingko biloba can cause problems such as irregular heartbeat, palpitation and stroke.
-Excessive use of gingko biloba may cause infertility.
-Gingko biloba consumption can be observed problems such as shortness of breath, headache, drowsiness and loss of sensation.
-May cause various allergic reactions in the skin.
-Overuse can lead to digestive system problems such as constipation, abdominal cramps, diarrhea and stomach pain.